Friday, January 30, 2009

I'm back finally

It's been over a month since I've blogged.  Been going through alot, but I'm back and will catch you all up.

Well here I am in China for a real Chinese New Year.  Fireworks have been going off this past week at night.  Red lanterns are everywhere.  The trees are full of the red lanterns and look so pretty.  It is the year of the Ox.  Everyone is in a party mood around the city.  The Chinese staff invited all the foreign staff for a big shindig at a Korean restaurant.  It's so funny celebrating Chinese New Year at a Korean restaurant in China.  I'm traveling to my assistant's home province.  She invited me to spend Chinese New Year with her family.  I only get one week off for the holiday, but she is taking two off for her wedding.  Her family is excited to have me and I'm excited to learn some of their customs.

I have officially moved into a nicer and safer apartment.  Yes I know it was hard to say goodbye to my disco apartment, but I needed to get away from a freaky landlord.  I'm in the same complex, Jiang nan ya zhu, which I found out means south of the river.  I now have three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a large kitchen and more furniture.  It is a big apartment for little old me.  But hopefully next year I'll get a roommate if the school hires another single female teacher.  My new landlord is so nice.  His wife gave me a jade necklace asa welcome present.  Plus he lives in Shenzen so I know he won't be dropping by everyday unexpectedly.

And yes my sister had the baby on January 13-Johnathan Thomas Names.  He looks so cute in the pictures.  I wish I could be there to hold him and give him a kiss.  I'm so proud of you Rachel.