Ok so I got to go swing dancing in Shanghai. Swing group is small, but very nice. It's so nice to meet swing dancers from around the world.
Funny story: The night I flew into Shanghai, I was texting Bonny. I thought it was her, but it turned out I was texting the wrong number. It was someone who lived in Shanghai and spoke English and at first I thought it was Bonny, but then they told me they'd see me on Saturday, and I freaked out, because I thought I was staying with Bonny. But thankfully Bonny was there at the airport. This other person then realized I thought I was staying with her and got concerned. It turned out that she thought she would see me at this swing event. This other person turned out to be the contact person for Swing events in Shanghai and I did get to meet her at the swing event. It was just so funny how I was texting this strange person who I didn't know, but now I know and she is my friend.:)
So after Bonny and I visited QiBao in the morning we changed into cooler dresses took a little motorbike rickshaw to the subway and walked around People's Square and had lunch on a rooftop restaurant called Kathleen's 5, which is in this old beautiful art deco building. It's also the Shanghai Art Museum.
Then we went to the swing event, which was in this quant neighborhood. Before swinging we walked around the narrow streets and shopped.
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