Friday, June 8, 2012

Picasso in Hong Kong

On Wednesday, I took my Grade 2 students to see an exhibit of Picasso.  It was a special exhibit that is usually only in the Musee National in Paris.  Due some renovation in that museum the exhibit came to the Hong Kong Heritage Museum.  My class was going there anyways for a Social Studies field trip and getting to see the Picasso masterpieces was a huge bonus. 

Students described the exhibit as wierd, crazy, disgusting, scary, you can sortof see what it is and it is sortof hidden.  Needless to say they were not impressed.  One little boy was very surprised that Picasso had sculpted a naked pregnant woman.  He wanted to know why were there so many naked pictures.  I tried to explain that the human body is artwork and that we were created and fashioned in our mother's womb by the Master Artist God.  I was grateful I got to see some of this art that I otherwise would only have seen if I was in Paris visiting the museum.

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