Friday, April 17, 2009

Yeah for a Good Landlord

So I am so grateful for a good landlord.  My landlord lives in another city, Shenzen, but he has been so helpful.  With the rains lately some mold has grown on the wall.  I let him know about it and he came to check it out with his family.  He came the crazy weekend I had been to the hospital three times, the kitchen fire, etc.  Anyways when he came the first time he cleaned up the fire mess for me when I was so sick and couldn't.  Today he came with the apartment management team to fix the mold problem.  So efficient.  He also shared many helpful information.  He told me to stay away from meats unless I knew it was good quality.  He told me what type of oil to buy to stay healthy.  And he told me to be careful about medicines doctors give me.  So kind.  It's wonderful to know God takes care of me wherever I am and will send the right people to give advise and take care of problems.

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