Monday, March 22, 2010

Sleeping Children and Laughing Foot Massagers

I don't know why but things are starting to seem funny to me today. I had a student fall asleep in class. I've been staying up late playing piano and writing music, so I could totally relate to her falling asleep. It looked like she was awake, because she had her pen in her hand and she was coloring. It was at the end of the day. School goes until 4pm. It's a long day for little kids. After school I headed to my favorite Indian restaurant and ate some good food and then got a foot massage. That's what I usually do after school. Go eat somewhere and then do something relaxing like a foot massage or a hair wash or nails. Today the lady who was massaging my feet kept laughing at me. It is a Chinese foot massage so they can be painful, because they really like to dig into your feet. Every time it would hurt I'd make a face and then she'd laugh. I started laughing because of her. I think she was laughing at the faces I was making.

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