Friday, February 6, 2009

New Year's Day

On New Year's Day all the men in the town walk around and say happy new year to each other.  Special snacks and drinks are waiting for people who stop by.  People also pass out cigarettes.  Nancy encouraged me to walk around the town.  I had a collection of Chinese cigarettes by the end that I gave to her brother.  It was a nice way to start the day off.
Later we walked thirty minutes in the snow to her grandfather's house.  On the way we passed these women dressed in red, banging on drums and fireworks were going off.  These women marched all day into every house to play the drums.  People would pay them money for coming into their homes.
When we made it to her grandfather's house we continued to walk into all the homes of the rice farmers, wishing them a happy new year.  I was so happy people had food and warm drinks.  After all the walking in the cold it was nice to sit down in peoples' homes and rest and visit.  When I walked out of one home this cow gave a giant moo at me.  It was very funny.

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