Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Village

This was my first trip to rural China.  It was an experience of a lifetime.  Honestly the most amazing and humbling experience of my life.  I was the first foreigner in this village.  Within a 10 mile radius 3 different dialects were spoken.  The people are rice farmers.  
I stayed with my assistant's family in a newer building.  There was no heat and inside you could see your breath.  They left doors and windows open, too, making it even colder.  Animals, people and babies wandered in and out freely.  All cooking was done with a fire stove.  I literally felt I had walked back in time. 


christine said...

what an absolutely amazing experience!

Leif and Jami Gustafson said...

Wow- how neat! It looks really pretty. I'm so glad you were able to go and stay with a freind's family.