Thursday, April 14, 2011


I'm so grateful for a place like SOHO in the city. It's a great place to sit and drink your favourite concoction and enjoy good western food. Cicadas is one of my favourtie places. An Aussie friend introduced me to it. They have really yummy bellinnis. I think that's where I will have my birthday party next month. You are welcome to come of course. hahah Whoever you are! I'll just pull random people off the street and say come to my birthday.:) Sometimes life is like that. You are a stranger in a strange land and the strangeness around you makes you do strange things that you never would have done before. Maybe SOHO should stand for Strangers only have oaks. haha My randomness makes me think of my little autistic girl. She has come so far this year and is so much happier than the beginning of the year. Praise the Lord. But her randomness has rubbed off onto me, but then perhaps there is a little bit of Autism in us all.

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