Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Birthday Cake

Today was one of my students' birthdays.  His mom had a cake delivered for the class.  The cake was so cute.  They make really cute cakes here.  There was a folded up flower, with candles that I was unsure about.  When I lit the candles it opened up into a flower and rotated around playing happy birthday and some sparkler type fireworks went off.  It was so cute.  The little boy was so delighted.  There was enough cake for the class some other teachers and the guard.


Unknown said...

I LOVED what that little cake did! What a hoot! I'd love to have one of those gizmos to put on a cake. I need to go look at the Chinese groceries here in DC to see if I can find one.
The kids all look so adorable, and you look so happy!
How all is well...keep your adventures coming, I enjoy reading them so much and seeing the pics!
Cousin Susie

Anonymous said...

That little boy's face is priceless