Friday, March 11, 2011

French Swissers

So one of my very good friends here in HK is the consular for the Swiss Embassy. Anyways he's a way cool dude and he's always inviting me to go out to some posh places and fun venues. So tonight he invited me to go hear some Swiss French Bands...well it was all French bands from Switzerland, Belgium, France and Canada. Seems like since I've moved to HK I've had more run ins with Frenchies. Anyways the music was great. I liked the last band from Canada. Yeah go North America.:) Anyways my really good friend at school is the French teacher and she had me go to a French play several months ago. So it seems maybe I should learn French while I'm here in HK. Hahahah or I could learn Italiano. Or German...not. Probably German would be the last language I would choose to learn.

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