Saturday, March 26, 2011

Party on the Ding Dong

So a Ding dong in Hong Kong is the tram. A tram is a trolly. And that would be double decker stlye trolly, oh yeah. I went to a birthday party on the tram tonight with some of my co-workers. It's called a party on the ding dong. And believe me we were a bunch of ding dongs. We hired the tram for 2 hours to go all around Hong Kong island. Gangsta party clothes were the recommended garb. Well imagine a double decker tram filled with ganstas yelling out the windows at all the people. It was super fun; the kind of thing I would normally like to do, but people would just think I was immature and stupid. I wasn't quite sure what gansta style clothes were. I was thinking Chicago gansters. But I ended up going with a Russian Maffia style...tight jeggings, blingy high heels, tight black corset top, bumble bee sunglasses, and my lovely purple fur jacket. We weren't the only ones dressed up this weekend. This weekend is the big rugby 7 tournaments in HK and people are dressed crazy on the streets and running around like goofballs. So gangsters on the tram fit right in with the city background. After the tram ride we went to a German restaurant. The restaurant all gave us free wigs to wear. I got an Italian clown wig. Hong Kong is so fun and amazing.

1 comment:

itsara wangnoi said...

I have a chance "with this much go in. But I do not have a chance to go.