Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Radiation Fallout

Just the news you want to hear in the middle of a school day. Radiation fallout could be coming in the wind and rain. What do you do? Well I'm trying not to panick. I finally emailed the US Consulate to ask some questions and see how do I register myself as an expat here for emergency situations. Right now it is just waiting to see what will happen. My school did tell us to watch the news to see if schools will be closed. I am considering trying to get some KI. I guess the radiation first effects your thyroid and taking a special type of iodine can help protect your thyroid. Anyways this is all too crazy for me to even really understand. Poor Japan is all I can say. I can't even imagine the trauma they are going through.

1 comment:

christine said...

try to stay inside unless you have to. I'd really stock up on foods with antioxidants for a while (although not sure how much it will help...but it couldn't hurt).

I wouldn't start taking pills unless they tell you...you don't want to stress your system.

Keeping you in my prayers.