My students finished a science unit on energy, forces and motion so I took them to the Dongguan Science Museum. It was a fun afternoon for them to explore and play with science ideas. There were other students from the local Chinese schools at the museum that day, too. At one point in the afternoon I was seated at a table waiting for my class, when a group of students from the local Chinese school rushed at me. They shoved paper and pens at me asking for my autograph. It was shocking and funny. I had to laugh. I felt like some kindof celebrity. My own class was like Miss Ray, "Why are they doing that? What's going on? Miss Ray you're famous." So I'm famous at the Science museum.
I started this blog for when I was teaching in China. Then I moved to Hong Kong and taught second grade for five years. After seven years in Asia, it was time for me to return to my country. These are my adventures of living, working and repatriating myself.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I'm Famous at the Science Museum
My students finished a science unit on energy, forces and motion so I took them to the Dongguan Science Museum. It was a fun afternoon for them to explore and play with science ideas. There were other students from the local Chinese schools at the museum that day, too. At one point in the afternoon I was seated at a table waiting for my class, when a group of students from the local Chinese school rushed at me. They shoved paper and pens at me asking for my autograph. It was shocking and funny. I had to laugh. I felt like some kindof celebrity. My own class was like Miss Ray, "Why are they doing that? What's going on? Miss Ray you're famous." So I'm famous at the Science museum.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Where am I?
March has been an even harder month than February. Being sick for three weeks definently puts a damper on things. I'm really so tired of living alone. When I'm alone I get depressed and sick. I'm a people person and need people around me. I've had some nightmares and I'm not sure what I'm doing here. Just in the middle of a funk. Sometimes it seems like you try so hard and what is the point. Everything is baby bottles. Everything is nothing. It's all vanity and grasping for the wind and the wind is changing direction all the time and the sands are receding and people are falling off the cliff and I can't do anything about it. And all I want to do is throw the baby bottles away and sit in the sand, listen to the waves, and soak in the warmth of the sun.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Crazy Weekend
So after three trips to the ER this weekend I'm doing much better. My friend thought I should stick with Western style medicine since my symptoms were pretty severe. The doctor put me on penicillin, a fever medicine, and some Chinese medicine for my throat. For some reason whenever I'm sick I am really uncoordinated. Three weekends ago when I first got sick I broke my honey jar and one of my favorite mugs. This weekend, when I was trying to fix some hot soup, I started a kitchen fire. The plastic handle caught on fire. Chinese use gas to cook with so I was a little freaked out. But I rationally turned off the gas and then grabbed a wet washcloth and beat the fire out. There was all this black powder from the melted plastic. I was too sick and tired to clean up the mess. Plus my kind neighbor was on her way to take me to the hospital. That evening when I once again entered my kitchen to heat up some soup, a plastic speck flew into my eye. (You'd think by now I wouldn't cook for myself when I'm sick.) It would not come out. I used eye drops to flush it out, but it was stuck on my eyeball and really freaking me out. So I called my neighbor again to take me to the hospital. They brought in an eye doctor specially for me who performed minor eye surgery to remove the plastic. I have since then decided not to go into my kitchen unless I am wearing goggles. My third trip to the ER was to remove the bandage from my eye and make sure everything was gone. It was. I'm doing much better and wishing I had a roomate to help me when I'm deliriously sick, but grateful for a kind neighbor.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Sicky Icky
I'm up and cannot sleep, because of this continual drainage down my throat. For three weeks I've been sick in bed on the weekend. I keep getting sick from my children, which is a typical thing to do your first year teaching. Usually, Friday hits and all I can do is rest and recover from the week. Other teachers are off traveling on the weekend, while I'm home sick, trying to be responsible so I can once again face another week. My Chinese neighbor suggested I see a Chinese doctor so she's taking me to one tomorrow. I sure hope he can give me some strong Chinese medicine to make this thing go away.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Chinese Sausage
My neighbor is so sweet. She has two little children and comes over to visit whenever she sees me home. Tonight she invited me over for dinner and gave me some homemade sausage. I now have several frozen Chinese sausages in my freezer.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Starving Children in the World
Oh man I just gave my students a whole speech about eating their lunch and being grateful for it, because of the starving children in the world. I'm starting to feel like a frustrated mother with this class. There was dead silence after the speech, as I threatened for those who could not sit in their seat and eat their own lunch and stop begging for other peoples' lunch, missing a week of recess. Sometimes I wish spanking was allowed. Children are so naughty even if they are so sweet sometimes.
Pics from Photo Shoot
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Oh it has been a long two days of conferences. Out of my class of 14 students, 14 parents came to the conferences. This is really unheard of in America for you to have 100 percent of your student's parents show up. But of course in an International School parents are very concerned about their child's performance. I am worn emotionally, because I care so much about the students and talking with their parents can be emotional, because parents care so much about their child. All the translating for one conference is tiring, too. My mind is spinning and I feel like I need to go into hibernation for the weekend.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Today I had a Chinese St. Patrick's Day. St. Patrick's Day is actually my favorite holiday. Most people don't know the true meaning behind St. Patrick's Day. Patrick was an Irish man who freed the Irish people from the dominance of the Druid lord's and witches who forced human sacrifices from the people to appease the gods. I hate evil and anything that sets itself up above the Most High. I love any holiday that celebrates the end to human sacrifices. I also love Irish/Scottish music as this is part of my culture. The past three ST. Patrick's Days I have spent at the Mandolin Cafe listening to my old friend from Tacoma Youth Symphony days playing some dam good Scottish fiddling. I was quite remorse not to hear him play again this year, but I was able to celebrate at an English pub here in Dongguan with some other teachers. First place I've been in China where I was surrounded by white people instead of Asians. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all and praise the Most High for whom there is no need for any more blood sacrifices, for there is freedom under the Lamb.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Special Visit
One of my friends came to visit me-Amy. I had actually never met her before, but was in contact through email with her. She is teaching English and British Lit. up in the city I was at two and half years ago, Qinghuandoa. She had two months off between semesters and was traveling around South East Asia. On her way back up North she stopped in Dongguan for a visit. It was so nice to meet her and have company. We were both home schooled growing up and had a lot in common. She is the first teacher I have met who is interested in classical education fervently-teaching children the Socratic method of thought as well as Latin. Studying Greek and Roman writers was one of my favorite subjects in college. I want to learn more about that movement of education. She is so brave to have travelled around Vietnamn and Cambodia for two months. It sounds like an amazing adventure.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
A Party Party
About a month ago I attended my first Communist Party business party. I went to represent my school along with some other teachers. Our school is a business in the area, because it is a private school. The entertainment was amazing. Singing, dancing, kung-fu acrobatics. When you entered and left the room people would clap for you. It was quite the experience. They also gave every guest a present. I came home with some tea and two sweaters.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Teaching what am I doing?
This week has been very challenging. I keep questioning if these students are really learning anything, especially when it comes to English and writing. Teaching second language learners is so frustrating sometimes. This week I've been a little harder on their grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Realizing I only have three months left with them I see how far they still need to go. Sometimes I can't believe I'm teaching such things as grammar, spelling and writing when this is definently not my strong point. One professor in college thought I was such a terrible writer that she wouldn't consider me for a teaching assistant. Anyways it's been a discouraging week, but today made up for it, inspite of my students' behavior. We've been studying energy in science and today my students got to touch electricity. That was so cool and they were having fun. It was an electrifying day.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Chinese Phrases

So alot of people might think that living here in China I'm learning Chinese. Well it is something I call taxi Chinese. Basically survival speaking. I know how to get in a taxi cab and tell him where to go, when to turn right or left or go straight ahead and when to stop. Very important details. My Chinese is limited to basic needs for directions and shopping. I'm not taking lessons, which I would love to do, but it is unrealistic this year as a first year teacher in a foreign country. Maybe next year. I have picked up phrases just by listening, such as "no problem, it's ok, what a beautiful day" and "walk slowly." The last phrase really has me thinking, because many people use this phrase, manzo. I think it means something deeper than just walk slowly. It is filled with meaning to go through life slowly, making the most of every moment. One of our own English phrases has this meaning. Stop and smell the roses. So often I'm in such a hurry. Do this. Do that. Get there. Finish that. All of this hurry, scurry affects my brain and body. I need to walk slow and enjoy being in the now.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Photo Shoot
So yesterday I spent 6 hours in a photo shoot. It was so much fun. My girlfriend and I decided to do a photo shoot at this Chinese wedding photo place called Love Me Forever. They dressed us in traditional costumes and did our hair and makeup. We were allowed to bring some of our own clothes, too. Modeling is harder than I thought. Holding poses and contorting your body requires alot of strength and control. When I get the pics I'll post some.
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