Sunday, October 12, 2014


So I went to a OMGWTFBBQ yesterday, and I must say I am so glad I did.  Yes that is swearing...every initial is representing a swear word.  Life is so crazy!  People who you think are going to be your friends(the God-fearing, Bible reading, church going people) are not...people who you don't expect to be your friends(the OMGWTF people) are.  There are times in my life when I need the Oh My God What The Fuck people in my life.  This life can be pretty f*# up sometimes and I need people around me who will call shit, shit and not analyse, philosophise, compassionate, rationalise the crap around you.  If someone steals from me, then I need someone who will be like WTF.  If my cat falls 23 stories to her death, then I need people who will be like OMG.

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